Tuition and Costs

This subcategory explores the various aspects of private school tuition, including cost variations, reasons for price differences, and what parents can expect to pay for private education.

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Don't Need Financial Aid? Step to the Front of the Line!

Don't Need Financial Aid? Step to the Front of the Line!
The fallout of the economic and financial meltdown of 2009 was far reaching. Private schools did not escape the consequences either. But that may be a good thing for you.

Money always talks. When you pay cash for something, no matter what that something is, you will get a better deal. Or the vendor will offer a cash discount. Or perhaps you can negotiate better terms. Nowadays the same thing applies to getting into private school. Assuming that your child offers everything the school is looking for, if the school knows that you do not need any financial assistance, you can be virtually assured of acceptance. Why is that? What's changed?

This video reports on the ways that the pandemic has affected schools.

The Perfect Storm

World events have a direct impact on private school endowments. They can shrink as much as 20-30%, even more, when the stock market becomes a bear market. You and I can see how a school's finances are impacted by reviewing their tax returns, the Form 990. Form 990 is the tax return not for profit organizations file each year. Most schools file at the end of their fiscal year which typically is June 30.

Added to the market conditions are the vast numbers of jobs that have been shed as companies have folded or downsized. That means there are fewer parents able to afford private school without at least some financial assistance. Another factor is that many parents who were counting on sending their children to private school are scaling back their spending. The result is that there are

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Why Are Tuition Costs Rising?

Why Are Tuition Costs Rising?
Private school tuition seems to go nowhere but up. We look at some of the reasons why and offer the opinion that a private school education is still good value.

No doubt about it, private school tuition costs are rising. Some schools seem to be rising at a faster rate than others. Why? What's behind those tuition increases? Unfortunately for many private schools costs of basic goods and services have risen dramatically. Energy costs alone chew up a major part of any school's budget. Faculty and staff salaries and benefits are a substantial part of budgets as well. In order to attract and retain qualified, skilled and experience personnel, you need to offer a decent compensation package with annual increases. Most schools also offer free or substantially reduced tuition for children of faculty and staff.

This video from ABC News discusses the benefits and costs of private school.

Reasons why private school tuitions are on the rise

Administrative costs are one reason private school tuitions increase year over year. Everything from employee compensation to insurance plays a part in this situation.

According to "The average cost of private school tuition has grown at a rate that is higher than inflation over the past 20-years. While there are several cost increases that have led to the rise in private school tuition, administrative employee compensation has been the main catalyst for the increases in private school expenses. The rise in the volume of employees who have a larger compensation package than a typical teacher has created the upward trajectory in private school tuition costs.

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Which Is The Most Expensive Private School?

Which Is The Most Expensive Private School?
Tuition at private schools varies from nothing at a few schools to over $100,000 for the most expensive school.

The point of this article is to make the case for applying for financial aid, even if you think you might not need it. If you can afford to pay private school tuition, you have several payment options available to you. If you cannot afford the cost of a private school education, review Financial Aid 101. It will show you what to do. In every case, ask about financial aid. Private schools have generous financial aid programs. Financial aid is a tool that private schools use to make their school more diverse. Yes, many years ago, private schools had a less than positive reputation for being elitist. But thankfully, times have changed. Being able to pay for a private school education is no longer the only thing that matters. If your child has the qualifications which the school is looking for but you cannot afford to send her, then financial aid is certainly an option which you need to explore.

Le Rosey which bills itself as 'the prestigious international boarding school' tops the scale at a princely $114,000 in tuition for 2019-20. Boarding and sundries are not included. The school is located in Switzerland and is owned by a Swiss couple who are 'Les Directeurs'. What sort of clientele enjoys Le Rosey's proximity to some of the best skiing in the world? You guessed it: children of the rich and famous from every corner of the globe. The school does offer some need-based scholarships.

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Charter Schools and Vouchers

Charter Schools and Vouchers
Are charter schools private schools? What do vouchers have to do with private schools? Some answers here.

Charter Schools
Is a charter school a private school? No. It is a public K-12 school. It receives public funding but operates without some of the arcane regulations most public schools must abide by. Read 10 Things To Know About Charter Schools. Charter schools can be found in most major urban areas. Some of them are well-run and funded adequately. Others have been a financial disaster. Charter schools tend to be small and have small class sizes.

The idea behind vouchers is to give lower income families an alternative to poorly performing public schools. Vouchers are a lightning rod in educational circles. Teachers unions universally despise them. Politicians avoid them. In places where voucher programs have taken hold, such as in Milwaukee and Cleveland, the response has been positive. The points of contention have to do with the use of public funds to pay parochial school fees and the diversion of public funds from public schools.

What vouchers are really all about is an attempt to provide some kind of school choice for parents with children in poorly performing public schools.

Fees and Financial Aid For Overseas Parents

Fees and Financial Aid For Overseas Parents
A brief look at fees and financial aid for overseas students.

Tuition at private schools ranges from $5,000 a year for primary grades in a parochial schools to over $60,000 a year for boarding school. Like the wide range of private schools available, the costs vary greatly for several reasons. Sound management and healthy endowments are two major reasons some schools seem to be able to offer more for less.

Remember: American private schools receive no state funding, yet they must comply with all the laws and regulations which affect their daily operation. Retrofitting older buildings with new technologies, maintaining extensive physical plants, coping with soaring health and liability insurance, legal, and energy costs are just a few of the factors which come into play in determining tuition fees. While private schools are theoretically exempt from property taxes, most of them make substantial contributions to their local towns and cities to help offset the cost of maintaining police and fire protection. The overhead at a private school is enormous and complex with all the attendant impact on fees.

There are a host of ‘extras’ which also must be factored into the cost of an American private school education. Text book and academic material fees, sports fees, clothing, uniforms, transportation to and from school, application fees – the list seems endless. Most schools will provide a breakdown of the ‘extras’ for you upon request.

Financial Aid

Financial aid for expats is generally not available. The assumption is that your company will pay for your child’s education as part of your

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