Payment Strategies and Options

This subcategory provides information on different ways to pay for private school education, including loans, payment plans, and other financial strategies.

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Financing Your Kids’ Education: Coronavirus Edition

Financing Your Kids’ Education: Coronavirus Edition
Learn more about how the coronavirus can impact the financing of your child’s education.

Parents turn to private K-12 education for all kinds of reasons, from overall quality of curricula and individualized teaching strategies to location and religious affiliation. Now they may be adding another motivation to the list: overcrowded classrooms and public school bus rides just seem more dangerous in the age of coronavirus.

If you’re home-schooling your kids right now, the day they return to classes may seem like a distant dream. (How’s your blood pressure?) But September will come—with or without online classes. Chances are you’re making decisions right now that will affect at least a year of your child’s future. Chief among them may be how you will continue to finance your child’s private school education.

In 2020, the average cost of K-12 private school tuition reached $11,012. Depending on where you live and whether you have elementary-, middle-, or high school-age kids, your mileage may vary. But across the country, student loan debt has been increasing steadily along with the rising cost of education. K-12 loans aren’t subsidized by the federal government like higher-education loans. Still, many parents clearly believe that private school education is worth the investment. The question moms and dads should be asking themselves is, “How can I be sure I’m investing wisely?”

School Stability

The global coronavirus pandemic has injected uncertainty into every sector of the economy. That’s true at the micro-level, as many parents join the fast-expanding ranks of unemployed workers. It’s also true for private schools,

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Paying for Private School: 7 Options

Paying for Private School: 7 Options
Don't assume you cannot afford private school. Don't assume that you make too much money to be eligible for financial aid. Ask. Always ask.

Paying for Private School: 7 Options

I am always sad to hear parents rule out sending their children to private school because it is too expensive. The conversation usually begins with one of these facts as the reason for considering private school:

  1. Their child is gifted.
  2. Class sizes in the local public school are way too large.
  3. Their child has a learning disability.

Any one of these reasons is a valid reason for considering private school. Unfortunately, that is as far as considering a private school gets in most cases.

  • Why? Because either the parents assumed that they could not afford private school.
  • Or, perhaps, they looked at the tuition and fees page on a school's website, and they panicked.

Considering sending your child is a major decision.

  • As with any major decision, it makes sense to do your due diligence before ruling anything out.
  • When you take time to do a thorough investigation of the facts, as opposed to your assumptions, you just might be pleasantly surprised at what you discover.

That applies equally to paying for private school.

Here are seven ways you can pay for a private school education. One might prove to be the answer you are looking for.

1. Write a check.

Some people can afford to write a check for their children's private school tuition. If you are in a position in life where you can do this, don't forget to

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5 Financial Aid Dos and Don'ts

5 Financial Aid Dos and Don'ts
We offer help with private school financial aid applications, including practical advice on timing, documentation, and payment options while demystifying the process for families across income levels.

5 Financial Aid Dos and Don'ts

Dealing with private school financial aid can feel like conducting a complex symphony - each section must be perfectly timed and harmoniously arranged. From understanding why costs vary dramatically between institutions to knowing exactly when to submit your applications, the process requires careful orchestration. Whether you're considering a prestigious boarding school or a specialized day program, this guide will help you master the intricate movements of financial aid applications, revealing key strategies and common pitfalls to avoid.

1. DO Understand Why Some Private Schools Cost More Than Others

Several factors drive tuition costs. Location, facilities, and type of school are three of the most important factors.


Some schools cost more than others simply because of where they are located. Real estate prices vary widely throughout the United States, as you well know. For example, it costs considerably less to rent space in Butte, Montana, than in Los Angeles, California. Insurance costs vary from locality to locality as well. Schools need comprehensive liability and property insurance. That's not an expense a prudent private school business manager will stint on.


The school facilities vary widely as well. A K-6 school with twelve classrooms located in the 10-year-old education wing of a church or temple will cost less to run than a similar school housed in a 1930s mansion set on 30 private acres in the countryside. A school with extensive sports fields, riding stables, a natatorium, and a hockey rink, together with

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Why Tuition Insurance is Necessary

Why Tuition Insurance is Necessary
You insure your property and valuables. Here's why tuition insurance is necessary when you attend private school.

Many parents think that tuition insurance is a waste of money or that they really don’t need it. I suppose that if you happen to be fabulously wealthy, losing $30,000 or $40,000 because your child has to withdraw from her private school might not be a big deal. But for the rest of us, that's real money.

Here’s why you are required to take out tuition insurance. When you sign the contract with the school, you are responsible for the annual tuition, room and board charges for the academic year. The school will have operating expenses which it must honor regardless of whether your child completes the full year or has to withdraw after the second month.

To protect themselves most schools offer you two options: you can pay the entire year’s tuition, room, and board in one payment by July 15; if you opt to pay in two installments or in monthly payments, then you will be required to purchase tuition insurance. The school has to know that the fees on which it is counting to balance its budget will indeed be there. Regardless of whether or not your child is at school or has withdrawn.

Here is how one tuition insurance provider explains the concept:

"The cost of a private school education is a substantial investment. The Tuition Refund Plan provides insurance to protect your investment. Because student withdrawals are sometimes unavoidable, the Tuition Refund Plan is a welcome resource for families who must

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How Do They Pay for That?

How Do They Pay for That?
You have several options. They include tuition payment plans, loans, scholarships and more.

One of my young employees was horrified to discover that a certain Los Angeles day school charges $30,000 tuition. "How do they pay for that?" was his shocked cry. It's difficult for a 24-year-old who's only making $40,000 to understand how families can afford college much less private school. So, exactly how does a family afford a private school education? Here are some ways they can make that special educational opportunity possible.


There are not many scholarships for K-12 private school students. Still, it is worth doing your research in this area to uncover the scholarships which do exist. Several states have programs set up which allow citizens to contribute to funding for private schools. Arizona and Washington offer special tax credits for gifts to private schools for scholarships.

This video offers an overview of Church Farm School.

Financial Aid

This is the most exciting part of the 'paying for private school' picture. Understand that each private school is independent. Each school stands on its own two feet financially speaking. That's why financial aid will vary from school to school. Older, established schools such as Andover and Exeter have substantial endowment funds. That's why they and a few other schools can offer virtually free education to students who come from families which make below a certain amount. $75,000, for example. But you will have to visit the schools' web sites to

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