A - Applying to private school
Applying to most private schools has become infinitely easier in the last 10-15 years. That's because you can apply online at most schools. When schools don't have online applications, they usually have all the application forms you need online so you can download them easily.
B - Be aware that diversity is an important part of private schools in the 21st century.
Yes, back in the 1950s and 1960s, you might have been able to say that private schools were elitist. At least, that was the general public's perception of private schools. This perception, of course, was reinforced by the media. In the 21st century, private schools have made diversity and tolerance the center of their mission and philosophy as most schools seek to prepare their students for life and work in a global community.
C - Competitive schools
Many parents have grand ideas about which private schools they want their children to attend. As a result, they focus on the top 10 schools, which receive 10 times as many applicants as they have places for. Having one very competitive school on your shortlist is smart when you also have two relatively safe schools on that list. Just as with investing, t makes no sense to put all your eggs in one basket.
This brief video showcases Phillips Andover Academy.
D - Discipline is part of the