Choosing Schools

Tips on how to find the right school for your child.

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7 Reasons Why Private School May Be The Right Choice

7 Reasons Why Private School May Be The Right Choice
Private schools come in a wide variety of educational approaches. We show you how to refine your school search.

We parents who send our children to private school have a lot in common. Most of us want our children to think critically, analyze information, and read widely. For example, Nancy and I wanted to stretch our girls academically. That's why we sent them off to private school. Those poor kids never stood a chance because my late wife read to her daughters almost from birth. She was a voracious reader. She read real books made out of paper, not books on an iPad or Kindle. She had an honors degree in French language and literature and Spanish language and literature. She attended private schools in New York City. Academic excellence was simply a given from her point of view. I was passionate about music and made a career in church music as an organist and choir director. I mention these facts about us because I know you have your upbringing and educational experiences that have shaped you. Those will shape how you plan your child's schooling at every level.

Many of us also have public schools that are considered very good or excellent. In our case, we were fortunate to have excellent public schools. But we didn't like the large class sizes and the limited curriculum that they offered. So those were among the reasons we started looking for other options for our girls' elementary and high school educations.

Here are seven cases that look at some of the reasons parents choose a private school education for

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Mistakes Everybody Makes When Choosing Private Schools

Mistakes Everybody Makes When Choosing Private Schools
We show you how to avoid some of the common pitfalls parents encounter when searching for private schools.

Because you and I are not professional educational consultants with an intimate knowledge of private schools, we often waste time and make mistakes as we search for a private school for our children. For this article, we will be discussing private K-12 schools that do not focus on special requirements, such as therapeutic schools and schools for students with acute special needs. Read When Should You Consider A Therapeutic School? and When Should You Consider A Special Needs School? for suggestions about choosing those schools.

Here are some of the pitfalls you and I tend to encounter as we look at private schools.

  1. Only looking at ranks
  2. Thinking you can't afford it
  3. Waiting until the last minute to submit applications
  4. Thinking that schools are elitist
  5. Not visiting schools
  6. Not preparing adequately for the standardized admissions tests
  7. Not hiring an educational consultant

Only looking at ranks.

I know what you're thinking. You want your daughter to attend a highly-rated school, the best school, a top-ranked school. Trust me. I get it. I wanted the same things for my daughters. But here's the hard truth: rankings have very little to do with finding the best private school for your child. Find schools that fit your requirements and her needs as best as possible. You are looking for schools that fit her best. She will be happy there. You certainly don't want an unhappy child, do you?

Thinking you can't afford it.

Yes, most private schools are expensive. Indeed,

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When Do You Send Your Child To Private School?

When Do You Send Your Child To Private School?
Think of the school search process as a series of checkpoints, each of which has a due date. We show you when to do the various items in the search process.

You have been thinking about private school for your child for some time now. Finally, you have decided to proceed. Naturally, you will have many questions about how to organize your school search process. Here are some answers to your questions about when to tackle the various steps in the school search process. I hope this will help you plan and execute the process efficiently and with a minimum of angst. If you want more detail on any aspect of the search process, start with How To Search For Schools.

When do you send your child to private school?

At what age to send your child to private school depends on several things. The first thing which you need to consider is the quality of the education available in your local public schools. No matter what grade you are thinking about, start with that consideration first. This step requires you to do some serious research and due diligence. Don't skip this research.

Begin with the school's reputation. You may have heard good things about a particular public school in your area. That's a start, but take time to look carefully at the school profiles on sites such as Great Schools. Videos posted on YouTube by private schools will give you a useful point of comparison.

Here is an overview of teaching Spanish at The Rectory School.

Then, the next

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What to Research Before Choosing a Private School

What to Research Before Choosing a Private School
When making an important decision that will impact the lives of your children, you need to have all the facts in place. We compiled a list of the most important factors to consider when choosing a final private school for your child.

When making an important decision that will impact your children's lives, you need to have all the facts in place.

Aside from the basic questions of cost and affordability, there are many different factors to consider when choosing where to educate your kids. “Selecting a private school, like so many things in life, requires care and attention to detail,” believes Judi Robinovitz, Certified Educational Planner and Founding Owner of Score At The Top Learning Centers and Schools.

We compiled a list of the most important factors to consider when choosing a final private school for your child.

Academic Style

The #1 reason parents invest in private schools is to get the best possible education for their children. Keep in mind that not just raw academic strength is important, but the style of the learning environment and if it meshes with your child’s personality. We are learning more and more that each student learns in different ways and responds to different types of teaching styles. Some children may thrive on the competition while others succeed under reduced pressure. Others may learn quickly and need more advanced subject matter, while their contemporaries struggle with the basics.

Mike Weagley, CEO of elite tutoring service Lotus Prep, suggests that parents ask themselves, “Is the school too hard or too easy for my kid? Does my kid flourish in a looser or more structured, rigid atmosphere? Is the school a pressure cooker or Zen-like?” Learn how teachers structure their

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Rankings or Comparisons?

Rankings or Comparisons?
Choosing the right private school for your child involves comparing schools as opposed to ranking them.

You and I expect to be able to comparison shop for everything we buy. When we search for an item on Amazon, the website presents us with other options. We can read reviews by other purchasers. Together with our understanding of value and price point, these factors help us make the decisions that drive our purchase. So, why can't we do the same with private schools? Why isn't there some way of ranking schools? Wouldn't rankings make our task of selecting the right private school for our child a lot easier?

For starters, choosing a private school is not like buying a set of towels or sheets online. We have confidence in buying towels and sheets online from a trusted vendor using a secure credit card because we know what we are buying. Choosing a private school is much more complicated. Why? Because in the first place it is a major decision. We won't be able to return it and get our money back if we don't like it, which is what we do when we buy merchandise, which turns out to be unsatisfactory. And the amount of money involved in the transaction is significant. Furthermore, we are talking about a decision which will have a serious impact on our child and us for several years.

This brief video lays out the process for you.

Major decisions have many more factors and variables involved than

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