Facts about Schools

Which Schools Did Our Presidents Attend? Part 2 - Johnson to Taft

Which Schools Did Our Presidents Attend? Part 2 - Johnson to Taft
Depending on their family circumstances, our Presidents received a wide range of primary and secondary schooling.

In the nineteenth-century education for several of our presidents was strictly hit or miss for a variety of reasons. On the other hand, a couple of presidents enjoyed what you and I know in the 21st century as Ivy League educations. Fortunately for our young nation, most of these men were leaders who were able to guide our country through so uncharted waters and perilous times.

17 - Andrew Johnson

President from April 15, 1865 to March 4, 1869
Born: December 29, 1808, Raleigh, North Carolina
Died: July 31, 1875, Carter County, Tennessee, Tennessee
Political party: Democratic Party

North Carolina native Andrew Johnson succeeded Abraham Lincoln. He had no formal schooling as his family was very poor. His meager educational background notwithstanding, Johnson apparently was a skilled public speaker.

Book Scrolling has a list of books about our 17th president.

18 - Ulysses S. Grant

President from March 4, 1869 to March 4, 1877
Born: April 27, 1822, Point Pleasant, Ohio
Died: July 23, 1885, Wilton, New York
Political party: Republican Party

Ohio native Hiram Ulysses Grant appears to have had formal schooling from the age of five. He attended a subscription school, i.e., a school which his parents paid for him to attend, as well as two private schools, the Maysville Seminary, and John Rankin's Academy. He matriculated to West Point. Ron Chernow's book about President Grant was #1 on the New York Times

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The A to Z of Private Schools

The A to Z of Private Schools
This A-Z list will help make you aware of the many things involved in choosing the right school for your child.

A - Applying to private school

Applying to most private schools has become infinitely easier in the last 10-15 years. That's because you can apply online at most schools. When schools don't have online applications, they usually have all the application forms you need online so you can download them easily.

B - Be aware that diversity is an important part of private schools in the 21st century.

Yes, back in the 1950s and 1960s, you might have been able to say that private schools were elitist. At least, that was the general public's perception of private schools. This perception, of course, was reinforced by the media. In the 21st century, private schools have made diversity and tolerance the center of their mission and philosophy as most schools seek to prepare their students for life and work in a global community.

C - Competitive schools

Many parents have grand ideas about which private schools they want their children to attend. As a result, they focus on the top 10 schools, which receive 10 times as many applicants as they have places for. Having one very competitive school on your shortlist is smart when you also have two relatively safe schools on that list. Just as with investing, t makes no sense to put all your eggs in one basket.

This brief video showcases Phillips Andover Academy.

D - Discipline is part of the

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Why Ranking Schools Makes No Sense

Why Ranking Schools Makes No Sense
Journalists love to create lists because you and I love lists. But lists such as top ten private schools can be deceptive.

You've seen the articles in major publications such as Forbes and Chicago Magazine. "Top 10 Prep Schools" or "Best Private Schools in ____" These lists invariably contain the names of schools that are familiar. But are these schools the right ones for you? Let me explain why I believe that ranking private schools makes no sense for parents like us who are looking for the right school for our children.

A flawed premise

Ranking private schools is intrinsically flawed from the get-go. Why? Because each private school is a unique entity. The essence of being a private school is that it does its own thing. It accepts the students it wants to accept. It teaches the curriculum it wants to teach. It teaches that curriculum the way it wants to teach. Each private school has its own mission statement, philosophy, code of conduct, programs, and traditions. So how is it possible to compare apples to oranges? That is essentially what ranking private schools attempts to do.

For example, look at all the features of Shattuck-St. Mary's. Maybe another school has some of the same features. Maybe it doesn't. It is up to you to determine what you expect from a private school.

Yes, you can compare things like the number of AP courses, varsity sports, extracurricular activities, and so on. But you normally will make those comparisons when

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10 Misconceptions About Private Schools

10 Misconceptions About Private Schools
There are a lot of misconceptions about private schools. This is probably because private schools are indeed private.

10 Misconceptions About Private Schools

There are a lot of misconceptions about private schools. This is probably because private schools are indeed private, and often reluctant to release information to the general public.. Unfortunately, this has more to do with the reality that many journalists don't understand private schools.

On a couple of occasions when I have been interviewed about private schools, the interviewers asked very pointed questions designed to support their preconceived notions that private schools were only for rich kids or kids with issues. They were always surprised when I refuted those kinds of leading questions with facts.

With that experience in mind here are some common myths together with the reasons why they are simply that: myths.

Myth #10: Private school teachers make less than public school teachers.

Not true. This might have been the case years ago.

  • Private school teachers are not unionized.
  • They do enjoy some perks public school teachers do not have such as housing, meals, and reduced or free tuition for their children.
  • Compensation is about the same in both sectors.
  • The real disparity seems to occur within private schools themselves.
  • Most parochial or religious schools tend to offer compensation which is on the low end of the scale.
  • Administrators are not unionized either.
  • Deans, admissions directors, development directors, business officers, and heads of school are generally paid competitively.
  • You can research the facts by examining not-for-profit schools' Form 990 which has to be filed annually.

This photo by Canva

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Which School Did They Attend?

Which School Did They Attend?
Many famous children have attended private schools. Here is a sampling of schools and the famous folk who graced their hallowed halls.

Many famous people have attended private schools. Here is a sampling of schools and the famous folk who graced their hallowed halls.

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