Choosing A Private School

Choosing A Private School
Choosing a private school is a process with many parts to it. It also takes 18-24 months to complete. This collection of articles deals with the first part of the process in which you begin to look at private schools and what they offer.

So, you are thinking about sending your child to private school. You know what you want your ideal school to do for your child's education and her development. The next item on your school selection punch list is figuring out which of the dozens of schools out there is the best one for your child and you. I wrote the following twenty-six articles with you in mind. We sent our two daughters to private school from their pre-school years through high school. I remember how little I knew about private schools. Back then I didn't know what to look for. I trusted the head of school and her teachers and expected them to give my daughters a solid academic education. That's how innocent I was! Of course, there's much more to finding a school. The following articles draw on my experience as a parent and a private school teacher and administrator.

5 Factors for a Successful Private School Experience

By a successful private school experience, I mean one where your child is happy. As you consider sending your child to private school, think about these five factors which make for a successful private school experience. Read more...

5 Mistakes Parents Make When Choosing A Private School

Choosing the right private school for your child is a lengthy process. You should begin your school search process at least eighteen months before the first day of school. I want you to achieve the success which you deserve without making these common mistakes other parents have made. Read more...

5 Reasons You Might Be Looking At The Wrong Schools

Choosing the right school for your child is a major project. It is also a confusing process. We look at five reasons why you might be looking at the wrong schools. Read more...

About Boys' Schools: In Their Words

At some point, you will actually visit schools and experience them. In the meantime, here are a dozen or so boys' schools' public thoughts about themselves and their missions. Read more...

About Girls' Schools: In Their Words

There's no substitute for actually visiting schools. But in the meantime, here are a dozen or so girls' schools' public thoughts about themselves and their missions. Read more...

This video offers an overview of Miss Porter's School.

Are You Doing It All Wrong?

If you have had project management experience, you will sail through this school search process. Choosing a school is indeed a project. A major project. You need to execute this project to the very best of your ability so that you find the right school for your child. Read more...

Changing Schools and Moving to New Area

The important thing about making any kind of change that affects your children is to make sure the process is as painless as possible for them. Find out tips and services for changing schools and moving to a new area. Read more...

Choosing a School: 10 Things Which Matter To Parents

Never lose sight of why you are planning to send your child to private school. This list of ten considerations will help you focus on the things which matter. Read more...

Choosing a School: 5 Must-Haves

Whether you are just beginning the process of choosing a private school or several months into it, make sure that you keep these five 'must-haves' front and center in your thinking. Read more..

Choosing Schools: Reach, Match and Safe Schools

Always answer this question honestly: what is the school looking for? Is my child a match for their requirements? This article shows you how to get that important match right. Read more...

This video offers an overview of The Orme School.

Do Ranks Matter?

This is one of the questions I am asked frequently. "How do I know how this school compares with the others I am considering?" "Has anybody ranked private schools?" Read more...

Do You Know....?

If you know the answers to all these questions, you probably teach or work in a private school. Be that as it may, these questions contain links with the answers. Read more...

Find! Visit! Apply!

What's involved with choosing the right private school for your child? These three steps: find schools, visit schools and apply to schools. Read more...

How to Convince Your Child to Go to Private School

You want your child to go to private school. But how will you convince her to go? Read more...

This video offers a look at Proctor Academy.


Use this simple mnemonic to help you organize your search for a private school for your child. Read more...

Private Schools: 10 Challenges You Will Face

As you begin to think about sending your child to private school you will quickly become aware of at least ten challenges you will face. Read more...

Single-Sex Education at a Glance

Think of single-sex education as another option as you consider which school is the right one for your child. Read more...

Small Is Good

Private schools offer individualized attention to their students because their class sizes are generally small. Read more...

So Many Choices

When it comes to choosing a private school, there are so many choices to consider that the project can be a huge challenge to most of us. We offer some help and advice to help you get started. Read more...

The A to Z of Private Schools

This A-Z list will help make you aware of the many things involved in choosing the right school for your child. Read more...

The Value of a Private School Education

Why pay $30,000, $40,000 or more for something which public education gives you for free? Here are five reasons why you would do so. Read more...

What Do I Do When....? Part 2

Here are some more answers and resources to help you deal with tough questions such as "What do I do when my child doesn't test well?" Read more...

What is Really Important in Choosing a School?

What is really important in choosing a private school? Ranks? Academics? Financial aid? Sports programs? Arts programs? One of these criteria doesn't matter. The others do. Read more...

What Overseas Parents Need To Know

If you live outside the United States, choosing an American private school can be a confusing process. Here is an overview of the process. Read more...

Why Did You Select That School?

Think of the school search process as a series of checkpoints, each of which has a due date. We show you when to do the various items in the search process. Read more...

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