22% of private elementary schools with special program emphasis in Connecticut are religiously affiliated (most commonly Catholic and Presbyterian).
Special education schools primarily serve specific student groups such as those that may be hard of hearing, deaf, speech impaired, health impaired, orthopedically impaired, cognitive delays/impairments, seriously emotionally disturbed, multi-handicapped, visually handicapped, or deaf and blind.
How many private elementary schools with special program emphasis are located in Connecticut?
9 private elementary schools with special program emphasis are located in Connecticut.
How diverse are private elementary schools with special program emphasis in Connecticut?
Connecticut private elementary schools with special program emphasis are approximately 40% minority students, which is higher than the Connecticut private school average of 30%.
What percentage of private elementary schools with special program emphasis are religiously affiliated in Connecticut?
22% of private elementary schools with special program emphasis in Connecticut are religiously affiliated (most commonly Catholic and Presbyterian).
We offer some suggestions to help parents navigate the challenging decision of changing schools, offering practical advice for five common scenarios why you might want to change schools.
A musician's perspective on Social Emotional Learning reveals how this educational framework orchestrates success through five essential emotional competencies.
Use this roadmap as a set of talking points with your trusted mentors and professionals to start the private school of your dreams. You're not alone. Over the years, hundreds of folks like you have had the same dream. From Quintilian to Maria Montessori to Lucy Madeira Wing, visionary educators have established schools to teach according to their beliefs and methodologies.