You have your reasons for thinking about sending your child to a private school. Perhaps she has unique needs that you feel the public school system cannot remediate. Maybe you are less than satisfied with the academic achievements or the safety records of the public schools where you live. Perhaps you attended private school as a child, and you want your children to enjoy the same experience.
The Rationale
No matter what the reasons are for deciding to enroll your child in private school, the fact remains that deciding which school to send your child to is a tough decision. With so many schools from which to choose, selecting a school is not simple by any standards. Several aspects of school and child must be considered before deciding.
Let me help you work out a process with which you can evaluate and choose from private schools. First, you need to identify your needs. After you identify and prioritize your needs, you can survey private schools. After you’ve narrowed your list, you’ll want to set up school visits and interviews. Deciding on that final school can be a two-way street between your family and the private school. After interviews, you’ll need to prioritize your school list again to make that final decision as offers to enroll your child come in.
This video offers a video of Stuart Country Day School, Princeton, New Jersey.
The Process