The A-B-C's of Tutoring
Having raised four children, I can tell you that occasionally, you will have to think seriously about providing some kind of tutoring for your child. Now, don't confuse tutoring with the specialized help that your child will require if she has special needs or learning difficulties. That is an entirely different situation. I have written about that in When Should You Consider A Special Needs School
Why does your child need a tutor?
Think of tutoring as that extra help your child needs to master a skill or to understand a concept. I know that you are probably wondering why your child can't get by with the teaching she receives every day at her school. Truthfully, her teachers may be providing about 90% of what she needs to learn something. Now, I am not knocking your child's teachers. The reality is that every child learns differently. And sometimes it simply takes a little longer for the light to go on, for that "Eureka!" moment we all have when suddenly we get it.
In this brief video, Alex of Prepped & Polished offers three characteristics to look for when you engage a tutor.
I used to struggle with learning history in high school. It most likely had something to do with the very dry presentation of world history in fashion back in the early 60s. But history began to