St. Anselm's Abbey School Photo - Our rigorous curriculum is second to none. You will take 7APs to graduate from our school. Students receive over $5 million dollars in merit scholarships to college each year.

District Of Columbia Private Schools Offering the Most AP Courses

The average private school in District Of Columbia offers 19 AP courses (2025).
The private school in District Of Columbia offering the most AP courses is Gonzaga College High School, offering 26 AP courses.
Ap Courses Range: 9 26 Avg. Ap Courses: 19

District Of Columbia Private Schools Offering the Most AP Courses (2025)

# AP Courses
Rank: #1 - 21. - 2.
Gonzaga College High School
Gonzaga College High School Photo - Gonzaga is Washington's only Catholic, Jesuit high school. The campus is located in the heart of our nation's capital and consists of nine buildings. In recent years, the physical plant has undergone major renovations and additions.
All-boys (Catholic)
AP Courses: 26
Grades: 9-12
19 I Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 336-7100
Rank: #1 - 21. - 2.
St. Anselm's Abbey School
St. Anselm's Abbey School Photo - Our rigorous curriculum is second to none. You will take 7APs to graduate from our school. Students receive over $5 million dollars in merit scholarships to college each year.
All-boys | Alternative School (Catholic)
AP Courses: 26
Grades: 6-12
4501 South Dakota Ave Ne
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 269-2350
Rank: #33.
St. Johns College High School
AP Courses: 23
Grades: 9-12
2607 Military Road NW, Chevy Chase
Washington, DC 20015
(202) 363-2316
Rank: #4 - 54. - 5.
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School Photo - Georgetown Visitation is located on 23 acres in the heart of the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, DC.
All-girls (Catholic)
AP Courses: 17
Grades: 9-12
1524 35th St NW
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 337-3350
Rank: #4 - 54. - 5.
National Cathedral School
All-girls (Episcopal)
AP Courses: 17
Grades: 4-12
3612 Woodley Road NW
Washington, DC 20016
(202) 537-6300
Rank: #66.
St. Albans School
St. Albans School Photo
All-boys (Episcopal)
AP Courses: 13
Grades: 4-12
Mount St Alban
Washington, DC 20016
(202) 537-6440
Rank: #77.
Edmund Burke School
Edmund Burke School Photo - 4101 Connecticut Avenue NW
Special Program Emphasis
AP Courses: 9
Grades: 6-12
4101 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 362-8882

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the District Of Columbia average number of AP courses offered by private schools?
The District Of Columbia average number of AP courses by private schools is 19 for 2025.
What are the private schools with most AP courses offered in District Of Columbia?
The top ranked private schools in District Of Columbia include Gonzaga College High School, St. Anselm's Abbey School and St. Johns College High School.
What is private high school and private elementary school offering the most AP courses in District Of Columbia?
The private high school offering the most AP courses in District Of Columbia is Gonzaga College High School, with a value of 26. The private elementary school offering the most AP courses is St. Anselm's Abbey School, with a value of 26.

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