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Top New Hampshire open-houses (2025) are listed below
Tue., April 08, 2025 - Manchester, NH
Open House
The Derryfield School
2108 River Road, Manchester, NH 03104
6:00pm (EDT) - 8:00pm (EDT)
RSVP needed: Yes
Further information:
(603) 669-4524,
Ask a current parent why they send their child to The Derryfield School and they'll tell you how their child thrives in classes that challenge them with teachers who know who they are and care about their progress. If this sounds like the educational experience you want for your child, join members of The Derryfield School on Tuesday, April 8 at their Admission Open House from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. to learn more! Visit campus and spend the afternoon touring state-of-the-art facilities with current students, visiting engaging academic sessions, and learning more about Derryfield's expansive academic, athletic, and extracurricular programs. Need-based tuition assistance and merit scholarships are available. Buses are offered throughout the region including a seacoast route. Register Today at
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