The Easton Country DaySchooloriginatedpurposefullyforthePre-school child. The programwascreated toensurethatlearningbe enjoyable,interesting,and,mostimportant,challenging.Therefore, we present ourprogramwithspiritandenthusiasm. Theplanned activitiesfurtheryourchild`smental,physical, emotionalandsocialgrowth.Anexcellentpre-schoolprogram is onethatblendsjoy,laughter,companionship,constructivelearningandcreativity,whileestablishing behaviorpatterns. Theschoolstrivesto achievethislearning process byintroducingmanydelightful,creativeandeducational experiences.ObjectivesTheEaston Country DaySchoolisa place where childrenlearn inaninformal way bybeingpresentedwith activities thatstimulatetheircognitive,emotionalandphysical growth.Our goal istoprovide eachchild withanopportunityto:Meet his orheremotional, social,physicalandintellectualneeds,individually,as well as inagroupsituation.Live, work andplaywith others ina programoflearningactivities.Develop a senseofsecurity andwell being inaschoolsituation.Exercise theabilityto freelyexpress them selvesinagroupsituation.Developmotorskillsandcoordination.Experiencedifferentbooks, music,science,andartmaterials.Usematerialsfreelyandconstructively.Developgoodpersonal health,safetyandworkhabits.
Quick Stats (2025)
- Top Ranked MA School
- School Type: Early Childhood / Day Care
- Grades: Prekindergarten-Kindergarten
- Enrollment: 74 students
- Application Deadline: None / Rolling
- Source: Verified school update
Top Rankings
Easton Country Day School ranks among the top 20% of private schools in Massachusetts for:
Advanced Degrees
School Overview
School Type
Religious Affiliation
Grades Offered
Grades Prekindergarten-Kindergarten
Year Founded
Summer School Offered
Summer Program Details
Student Body
Total Students
74 students
Student Body Type
% Students of Color
State avg.: 29%
Students by Grade

Academics and Faculty
Total Classroom Teachers
3 teachers
Student : Teacher Ratio
National avg.: 13:1
% Faculty w/Advanced Degree
List of Courses Offered
Matriculation DataMatric. Data
Classroom Dress Code
Tuition and Acceptance Rate
Admission Deadline
None / Rolling
Admissions Director
Shauna Harrison
School Notes
- I would like to take this opportunitytowelcomeyoutoEastonCountry Day School. My name is ShaunaHarrisonandin2007Ipurchased Easton Country Day School. I amtheowneranddirectorofthis wonderful school. The school hasarichhistorysince1967.In 50 years so many familieshaveenjoyedourschool.Manygrandparents had their children come toourschoolandnowhavetheir grandchildren come to ourschool.
- I have over 15 years of experience in thefieldofchildcare,whichspans all types of programs. I am DirectorIIandLeadTeachercertifiedin Massachusetts. I have obtainedmydegreeinearlychildhood educationfrom Bridgewater StateCollege.Ihaveattendedmany conferences andworkshops thathaveadvancedmyknowledge inchild care development. Asa director, Ifeelthatitis veryimportant that I, as well asmyteachers,continuewiththeirexperiences and knowledge of thefieldbycontinuingtocompleteworkshops and conferences throughouttheyear.It isarequirementthat each staffmembercomplete25professionaldevelopment traininghours eachyearthatinclude:UnderstandingGrowth and DevelopmentofChildren,GuidingandInteracting withChildren and Youth,PartneringwithFamiliesandCommunities,Observation, Assessment&PlanningforIndividualNeed, LearningEnvironments&ImplementingCurriculum,ProgramPlanning &Development,Health,Safety&Nutrition,Professionalism &Leadership. Ourentirestaffistrainedannually in infant andchild CPR as well asfirstaidandepipenuse.
- At Easton Country Day School, I haveawonderfulteamofteachersthat have been carefully selectedfortheirexperienceinearly childcare as well as their attitudeincaring,guidingandcreating awholesome atmosphere for the youngchildandhis orherdevelopment.The staff is interested inthepersonaldevelopmentofeach child.They offer educationalprogramsdesignedtopromotesocial,intellectual, and emotionalexperiencesthatwillhelp yourchild inreaching his/herfullpotential.
- Finally, I know leaving your child atschoolisoftendifficult,butour hope is that you may considerEastonCountryDaySchool as asecondhome for your children. Ourschooloffers awarmandnurturingenvironment for all children. Wecanensurethatyourchild's health andwell being are maintained andthatheorshewill receive a positiveandcreativelearningexperience.Weencourage you to meet the staff,andsee foryourselfthehighquality of care offered at this school.Wehope youwilljointheEaston Country Day Schoolfamily.Whatismyteachingphilosophy?Myphilosophy of educationisrootedinseveralideologies.Fundamentally, I believechildrenhaveaninternaltiming andpacing to their development thatisuniquetoeach child.Just aschildren don`t walk and talk atthesameexactage, we don`texpectour preschoolers to acquire skillsinthesametime frame.Manyfactors affect development. Eachfamilyisdifferentandprovidesdifferent types of stimulation andguidance.Itis mygoal,aschildren enter my program,toassesstheirdevelopment,consideringall areas. Ithen designmycurriculumtosuittheirindividual needs. Based on researchandexperience,Ibelieveyoungchildren learn differentlythantheirschoolagecounterparts.Young children learnthroughtheirsensesandexperiences. Hands-onexploration is bestforapreschooler.Rotememorization of factsis data gathering,andisnotknowledgechildren will retain.Actual experienceandrepetitioniskey; itmust be concrete andreal. I viewteachersandparentsasfacilitators. We provide anenriched,invitingenvironmentinwhichchildren feel safe andsupported. Thisthen allowsthemtopursuetheir areas of interest,be stimulated totrynewactivitiesandexplore new ideas withconfidence andcuriosity.Thistypeofdifferentiation isdifficult, but research andthe growthIseeoverthe school yearsupports this typeoflearningandplanning.
- "I have been told that thegreatesteffectoncognitivedevelopmentin young childrenderivesfromsocialinteraction. Inmy experience atECDS, I have seenjustthat.ECDSis a place wherechildren get theopportunitytodeveloptheirskills and it isamazing to actuallywitnessthat."
Source: Verified school update
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Easton Country Day School offer a summer program?
Yes, Easton Country Day School offers a summer program. Visit their summer school page for more information.
What is Easton Country Day School's ranking?
Easton Country Day School ranks among the top 20% of private schools in Massachusetts for: Highest percentage of faculty with advanced degrees.
When is the application deadline for Easton Country Day School?
The application deadline for Easton Country Day School is rolling (applications are reviewed as they are received year-round).
School Reviews
Endorse Easton Country Day School. Endorsements should be a few sentences in length. Please include any comments on:
- Quality of academic programs, teachers, and facilities
- Availability of music, art, sports and other extracurricular activities
- Academic or athletic awards
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