College Planning and Decision Making

This section offers advice on choosing the right college, financial planning for higher education, and making informed decisions about the college experience.

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10 Things To Do Before You Graduate

10 Things To Do Before You Graduate
This is a very practical list of things you must do before you graduate. The items on this list will enhance your college applications.

Have you seen some of those lists with titles like 50 Things You Must Do Before You Graduate From College? I like the idea of lists. It keeps me focused. But honestly, some of those lists I read made me wonder what they were thinking on earth. With tuition and fees running $50,000 and more at a private college, I thought that most of the items were a total waste of time and effort. Consequently, I offer the following worthwhile things to do before you graduate from private school.

Earn strong SAT scores.

This assumes that you are attending a school that prepares you for the SAT, which is one of the standardized tests you take as part of getting admitted to college. The SAT, just like the LSAT or GMAT, tests your knowledge gained over several years. While you can certainly take a couple of practice tests to get a feel for the test and work to the clock, really, the best preparation for the SAT is your day-by-day conscientious learning. You cannot cram SAT preparation.

Offer five or more APs.

If you are in a high school that teaches Advanced Placement courses, then try your very hardest to take 5 AP courses. They are a lot of work. Some are very difficult. The upside is that colleges recognize the AP standard and may give you credit for introductory courses in the subjects you

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College Counseling in Private High Schools

College Counseling in Private High Schools
This article explores the comprehensive college counseling services offered in private high schools. It highlights the dedicated resources, personalized guidance, and continuous support provided to students throughout their high school years, emphasizing the advantages of private school counseling over public school offerings

College Counseling in Private High Schools

"Which colleges should I apply to, Mom?" That question will be very much on your child's mind as she begins her junior year of high school. Of course, you have been worrying about which college she should attend since she was a toddler. But now, this critical question is very much on her radar. Fortunately for both of you, this is another instance where sending your child to a private school will give her an advantage over most public high schools. Why? College counseling is a function and job responsibility that private schools take seriously. Private schools are not likely to cut staff in this area. Remember when you were choosing a private school for your child? You reviewed the colleges where various schools' graduates had been accepted and were attending. You remember thinking that the colleges listed for the graduates of the school where you decided to send your child were pretty much the kind of tertiary-level institutions you had in mind for her anyway.

There are several advantages a private school can offer over most public schools. For example, small class sizes and individual attention are given. Sports programs and extracurricular activities also make the list. But what about college advising? In the first place, getting a solid college education is probably one of the reasons you sent your child to a private school. You read the course catalog and approved of the breadth and depth of the school's

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The Safety Factor

The Safety Factor
This article discusses the safety advantages of private schools, highlighting factors such as strict discipline codes, emphasis on respect, structured environments, strong support systems, and high levels of parental involvement. It explains how these elements contribute to creating a safe and nurturing learning environment for students.

The Safety Factor

As you well know, there are several reasons why you are considering private school for your child. Her safety is on your list, albeit somewhere below other considerations such as the academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities when you first start thinking about schools. Safety is not usually an issue in private schools. Indeed, school violence is not often found in private schools. In fact, the only examples of which I am aware in recent years consist of a few scattered incidents of hazing and cyber-bullying. I won't scare you with examples of school violence in public schools. You see and read about these incidents every day, both at home and abroad. Instead, let's explore some of the reasons and factors that make private schools safe places for your child. You can check that box on your list of questions about private schools.

Discipline Codes

One of the most important reasons why private schools tend to be safe places for your children is because they all have discipline codes. These discipline codes are enforceable and, indeed, are enforced simply because you and your child entered into a legal contract with the school when you agreed to send your child to the school. As a result, when a student violates the code, there will be consequences, including expulsion. In a public school, students have constitutional rights. In a public school, due process must be followed before serious disciplinary consequences occur. That due process can take weeks

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What Do I Do When....

What Do I Do When....
Here are some answers and some resources to help you deal with those tough questions, such as "What I do when my child has been expelled?"

Life deals us some tough hands to play from time to time. Certainly, this can be true while your child is at private school. Certain questions always seem to present themselves unexpectedly at the worst possible time. But life is like that, isn't it? The old, comfortable, and very predictable playbook which you and I used to follow thirty or forty years ago has gone by the boards. Here then, are some answers and some resources to help you deal with these tough questions and situations.

My kid has been expelled?

Being notified that your child has been expelled is serious. The timing will inevitably be very awkward. You literally will have to stop whatever you are doing and deal with this crisis. For a crisis, this event most assuredly is. The mere fact that your child broke the rules and did something which warranted his expulsion means that you need to get to the bottom of the situation. Why did he do this? Counseling will probably be required. Both for him and for you. What legal recourse do you have? Probably not much. After all, the contract which you and the school signed spells out the consequences for infractions of the code of conduct which guides students' lives at school.

Finding a new school won't be easy, but it is doable if you hire an educational consultant to make it happen. If you do it on your own, you will spend countless hours calling and explaining

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School Year Abroad

School Year Abroad
Several private schools offer a whole academic year abroad. Still others offer a summer abroad.

Spending a summer abroad sounds exotic and expensive. But it doesn't have to be. Why should you consider spending a summer abroad? I can think of three reasons.

1. See how people in other countries live.

While it's certainly true that our world has shrunk in so many ways and that we have many things in common, you will find Europeans, Asians and even Canadians do things differently. Seeing how people go about their everyday lives is one of the lasting impressions you will receive from your travels outside the U.S.A.

2. Enjoy yourself.

You have worked hard throughout your high school years. You got accepted by your first-choice college. Spending a month exploring England or Germany or another country will be an exciting break from all that heavy-duty academic work.

3. Reinvent Yourself.

Being away from home can be a bitter-sweet experience. In this case, spending a summer abroad will be mostly sweet. Thanks to WhatsApp and Viber, you are never out of touch with your family back home. That's reassuring for both you and them. Having time to think about things on your own helps clarify your thinking. That will help you plan the year ahead. That first year in college will offer plenty of new challenges.

Several private schools offer a whole academic year abroad. Still others offer a summer abroad. These are enrichment programs designed to expose students who participate in them to the culture and customs of the host country. Promoting global understanding

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