Let Saint Matthew Catholic School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.
Notes for Prospective Students
Thank you for your interest in Saint Matthew School. Students
of all faiths and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. The
Admissions process usually begins with a campus visit. We host
several fall events for parents and/or families and private tours
are also available. Students who are interested in attending
Saint Matthew School are encouraged to submit an application.
There are separate applications for pre-kindergarten & kindergarten
and grades 1-8. Applications for immediate and future
enrollment are accepted at any time during the school
year. For fall enrollment, applications for
pre-kindergarten and kindergarten are strongly encouraged by
December 12, 2025. Rising Pre-K 4 and Kindergarten students
who apply by December 12 will be eligible for their screening
appointment in January and be given priority for acceptance.
Applications for fall enrollment for grades 1-8 are encouraged by
December 12, 2025. Admission decisions are made by the
Principal, Advancement Director, and Admissions Manager based on
information submitted with an application. If no opening is
available, students are placed in a waiting pool. Priority
enrollment is offered to children of SMS faculty/staff, siblings of
existing students, contributing parishioners of Saint Matthew
Church, and legacy students (defined as a child of a graduate of
SMS), followed by families belonging to other Catholic parishes in
the metro Nashville area. Catholic families moving from out of the
area will receive participating priority upon proof of
participating status at their new and departed parishes.