Let Saint Andrew's School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.
Notes for Prospective Students
Admission to Saint Andrew's School is both selective and
competitive. The Admission Committee takes into consideration a
candidate's previous school record, teachers' recommendations, a
personal interview, and admission test results.The school seeks
applicants who have demonstrated a strong academic ability, a high
degree of motivation, a concern for others and a desire to become a
part of the Saint Andrew's community. At the Middle and Upper
School levels, the school also considers co-curricular and
community involvement. Saint Andrew's seeks students from a broad
range of backgrounds who will most fully benefit from and
participate in our community of learners. The school accepts
qualified applicants without regard to race, religion, economic, or
social status. We take pride in our students' cultural diversity,
strength of character, and respect for others. While we welcome all
inquiries and applications, please know that spaces available at
each level are limited. We hope what you see here will encourage
you to contact us for a tour of our beautiful campus.