Let Praise Academy know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.
Notes for Prospective Students
ApplicationisSubmitted: Once theonlineapplication
issubmittedwith all supplemental forms andpayment ofthe
$40.00applicationfee (non-refundable)isreceived,theapplication is
sentto the admissions office for review.Thereviewof all data
drivesthe next step of the process,i.e.,parentinterview,
studentinterview,etc.3.Interview: If
theapplicationhasbeen deemedeligible by the admissions office,
aninterview willbescheduled.Both parents and students are
Acceptance:Acceptanceoftheapplicant is based on review of
theapplication,testscores,transcript grades, the
pastor/churchleaderrecommendation,andinterview results.
Applications arereviewed onarolling-admissionsbasis as long as
there is space inthegradelevel. A wait-list willbe maintained when
officiallyenrolled at Praise Academy until allforms aresignedand
submittedand registration and
matriculationfeesarereceived.How to Apply:Applying
OnlineApplication.Weencouragefamilies to apply
onlineas it simplifies submissionandprovidesparents a tool
fortracking online the status oftheiradmissionafter
theirapplication has beensubmitted.Anon-refundable feeof
$40.00must besubmitted witheach
application.CreateanOnlineApplication: To beginthe
OnlineApplicationprocess,Create an Account. Then log in toyour
accountand CreateANew StudentApplication
foryourchild.You will then have theflexibility to log in and out
ofyouraccountand access your openapplication. After
submittingtheapplication,you will be able totrack online your
admissionsstatusat theschool by logging in toyour account. There
you will beabletoprint the completedapplications, monitor when
theschoolreceivessupplementalapplication forms and, if
Shouldyoudesire more informationthanis available on our
website,pleaseRequest More Information andourAdmissions Office
willcontact you.We Look ForwardtoMeetingYou If
youhave not already done so,pleaseconsidermaking an appointment
tovisit. We would very muchlike tomeet youand encourage you to
tourour school and campus.Weappreciate yourinterest and hope to
assistyou any way we can.Ifyou havequestions, please feel free to
contactus at770-943-2484,ext. 2.Praise Academy admits
studentsof anyrace,color,national and ethnic origin to all
therights,privileges,programs,and activities generally accorded
ormadeavailable tostudents atthe school. Praise Academy
doesnotdiscriminate on thebasis ofrace, color, national and
ethnicoriginin administrationof itseducational policies,
admissionspolicies,scholarship andloanprograms, and