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Let Our Lady Of Mercy School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

THE APPLICATION PROCESSCOMPLETE THE ON-LINE STUDENT APPLICATION-  This includes paying the $100 non-refundable fee, providing the email address of your child's current  teacher (both English and Math teachers for 4th-8th grades) for the teacher recommendation, and uploading the following documents:  Required For All Students:Copy of the original Birth CertificateBaptismal & Sacramental Records (if applicable)Immunization & Medical RecordsTranscripts including Report Cards from the current year and the previous yearProof of legal guardianship (if applicable)Copy of IEP/504/Student Support Plan (if applicable)Print, sign, and forward the "Consent for Release of Information" form to child's current school*If you are unable to upload the documents, please email the documents to THE PRINCIPAL-  Schedule a tour with the Principal, Mr. McNabb ( THE PASTOR-Schedule a meeting with the OLM Pastor, Father Healey ( A SHADOW DAY-Please contact our Director of Admissions, Mrs. Maura Legare ( to schedule a date.THE ACCEPTANCE PROCESSAfter you have completed the application process, the Principal and the Pastor will evaluate the application and determine acceptance.  The following priority is given to applicants:Currently enrolled studentsSiblings of enrolled studentsOur Lady of Mercy ParishionersCatholics belonging to other parishesNon-CatholicsNotification will be sent to you via email indicating that your child has been accepted.  Please follow the instructions in the email to complete enrollment.Important Notes:-Once accepted, 6th 8th grade students will be required to take a math placement test.-Students entering the Pre-K and K programs must be completely toilet-trained.

Student Information

About the Student

Address and Telephone Number

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