Marketing and Technology

Advances in technology have changed the way businesses market themselves. This section provides tips on social media marketing, information on the latest technology being used and SEO basics for private schools.

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Filling Your Seats

Filling Your Seats
This article provides valuable insights for marketing staff at small private schools, focusing on strategies to boost enrollment and retention. It addresses common challenges such as budget constraints, resistance to change, and the need for both short-term and long-term planning. With expert advice and real-world examples, this guide is essential for any school looking to thrive in a competitive educational landscape.
iStock Photos/TumsasEdgars

I remember the anxiety about filling seats very well, as though it were yesterday. Back in the 90s, my head of school, Dr. Elliston Rahming, had hired me to be the Deputy Director of a new private school he was starting from scratch in The Bahamas. And I do mean from scratch! The budget for our first year had to come entirely from tuition income. Period. Moreover, I was charged with ensuring the seats were filled when we opened for business in September 1995. Now, remember that back in the 90s, the Internet was in its infancy. There was no social media to trumpet the opening of our new school. We only had the local press and word of mouth.

Against that backdrop, let me pose some scenarios to heads of boarding schools, owners of boarding schools, and anybody interested in filling seats at their school.

1. My school's enrollment is declining. I can't afford to hire a marketing professional. What should I do?

Saying that you can't afford a marketing professional is like saying you can't afford insurance. It's a must-have. I understand that you are thinking that marketing is a major expense. Don't think of it that way. Think of marketing as a profit center. When the marketing professional does her job, you will see results. If your budget is really tight, I suggest that you interview a recent college marketing graduate. Your giving her a job where she can prove how good

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School Marketing SEO: To Do and What Not to Do

School Marketing SEO: To Do and What Not to Do
When searching on Google, how often do you venture beyond the first page of results? Do you click on the top-ranking website? Statistics show that 27.6% of people click on the first result they see on Google. So, the burning question is: How can you position your school in that coveted #1 spot?

When searching on Google, how often do you venture beyond the first page of results? Do you click on the top-ranking website? Statistics show that 27.6% of people click on the first result they see on Google. So, the burning question is: How can you position your school in that coveted #1 spot?

The answer lies in implementing effective search engine optimization (SEO) techniques for your school to rank highly on specific keywords. SEO involves tailoring your website to meet the criteria that Google considers when ranking websites. SEO is one of the most powerful tools for boosting your school’s enrollment marketing strategy.

First, what is a keyword? A keyword is anything a user searches on Google. When parents search “private school in Los Angeles,” you want to ensure you rank well on that keyword.

You might wonder if you need to be an SEO expert to improve your website's visibility and increase your keyword ranking. Fortunately, the answer is no! A significant portion of SEO can be accomplished organically by having a well-designed website and understanding the basics of what to do and what not to do.

Here are some top SEO to-dos and not to-dos to help reach that coveted #1 spot for school marketers.

  1. Content Is SO Important

    This cannot be understated. If your site hasn't been updated recently and lacks substantial written content, your first step is to (re) write fresh

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Marketing Your School: Welcoming New Students

Marketing Your School: Welcoming New Students
Why is welcoming students so important? Because it makes new students and their families feel that they are part of the school community from Day 1. More about this valuable marketing tool here.

Spring is an exciting time both for private schools and for their new incoming students. Now, I know you're thinking, "Why spring? I thought schools opened in the fall? In September." Well, of course, you're right. Schools do welcome their new students at the beginning of the fall semester. But they also make a big fuss about their new students in the spring. After all, why talk about success once when you can talk about it all year long. It's just good marketing. Private schools are constantly looking to fill their empty seats. While certain times of the year are busier than others in the admissions department, the director of admissions has to focus on her school's finding new students throughout the year. Welcoming new students is an essential part of her job.

This video shares some tips on creating social media content.

Why is welcoming students so important?

Welcoming new students is important because it makes new students and their families feel that they are part of the school community from Day 1. Most new students will be concerned about basics like making friends and fitting in. Most parents want assurance that their children have everything they need to be happy and successful in their new school. The welcoming process sets the tone. It states unequivocally that "We are so happy you are here. We are so happy that you are part of our

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Identifying Your School's Brand

Identifying Your School's Brand
Creating a brand identity for your school is an essential part of your marketing strategy. We walk you through the process.

Marketing the small private school is a challenge in the best of times. In the post-pandemic world we all live in, that challenge often seems impossible. It is not when you handle it head-on. You can't ignore it or make excuses. Denial or procrastination will not solve the problem. Identifying your school's brand will help point you in the right direction. So, here are a couple of things you can do to improve the marketing of your school. While I am writing this article for the head or owner of a school, many points fit a parent's viewpoint.

What follows are primary questions you need to ask yourself and your marketing committee if you have one. The answers will help drive your marketing program.

Who are your prospective families?

What are the demographics of your community? The U.S. Census Bureau has most of the data you need to answer that question. Using Google Maps, draw a ten-mile radius circle with your school at the center. Note which towns, cities, villages fall within that circle. Red flags would include communities with many retired people and homes with few or no children under 12. Investigate current property values with Zillow. The higher the property values and rents are, the more likely it will be that families can afford to send their kids to your school or any private school, for that matter. Understanding the demographics of your community is very important.

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5 Easy Steps To Marketing Your School

5 Easy Steps To Marketing Your School
Marketing the small private school can be done affordably and effectively. We suggest five easy steps to make that happen.

You run a small private school. You're facing many challenges filling seats. You're concerned about how next year's intake will look. With all the unexpected expenses facing you during the pandemic, you can't afford to hire a marketing firm to promote your school. So, what to do? The answer to that question lies in your school's unique trove of photos, news, testimonials, awards, and other memorabilia. I'm presuming that you have all those materials saved somewhere on your school's computers. If they are spread about over several computers, save them all in one system that is backed up securely. Better yet, save them in the cloud. These materials are unique and priceless. Saving them securely in the cloud is an expense that you should consider as cheap insurance. (I'm not sure how your accountant will allocate that expense, but we'll let her decide.)

Where am I going with this? Well, take a moment to look at commercial websites or commercial Instagram accounts. The photos and the artwork grab your attention, don't they? They draw you into their story. They help deliver the message. That's all I'm suggesting that you do with your collection of digital photos. They're unique. They'll your story to a stranger who knows nothing about your school and how excellent its reputation and academics are. They're one of the first steps in generating contact by email or phone with your school. You know how to convince parents to send their children to your school. But

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