Life deals us some tough hands to play from time to time. Certainly, this can be true while your child is at private school. Certain questions always seem to present themselves unexpectedly at the worst possible time. But life is like that, isn't it? The old, comfortable, and very predictable playbook which you and I used to follow thirty or forty years ago has gone by the boards. Here then, are some answers and some resources to help you deal with these tough questions and situations.
My kid has been expelled?
Being notified that your child has been expelled is serious. The timing will inevitably be very awkward. You literally will have to stop whatever you are doing and deal with this crisis. For a crisis, this event most assuredly is. The mere fact that your child broke the rules and did something which warranted his expulsion means that you need to get to the bottom of the situation. Why did he do this? Counseling will probably be required. Both for him and for you. What legal recourse do you have? Probably not much. After all, the contract which you and the school signed spells out the consequences for infractions of the code of conduct which guides students' lives at school.
Finding a new school won't be easy, but it is doable if you hire an educational consultant to make it happen. If you do it on your own, you will spend countless hours calling and explaining