Best West Virginia Private Elementary Schools with Special Program Emphasis (2025)

For the 2025 school year, there are 2 private elementary schools with special program emphasis serving 262 students in West Virginia.
The top ranked with special program emphasis private elementary school in West Virginia is Covenant School.
100% of private elementary schools with special program emphasis in West Virginia are religiously affiliated (most commonly Catholic and Christian).
Special education schools primarily serve specific student groups such as those that may be hard of hearing, deaf, speech impaired, health impaired, orthopedically impaired, cognitive delays/impairments, seriously emotionally disturbed, multi-handicapped, visually handicapped, or deaf and blind.

Top Ranked West Virginia Private Elementary Schools with Special Program Emphasis (2025)

Covenant School
Special Program Emphasis (Christian)
2400 Johnstown Rd
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 781-6705
Grades: K-12
| 185 students
All Saints Catholic School
Special Program Emphasis (Catholic)
52 7th St
Benwood, WV 26031
(304) 232-1587
Grades: PK-8
| 77 students

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top ranked private elementary schools with special program emphasis in West Virginia?
The top ranked private elementary schools with special program emphasis in West Virginia is Covenant School.
How many private elementary schools with special program emphasis are located in West Virginia?
2 private elementary schools with special program emphasis are located in West Virginia.
What percentage of private elementary schools with special program emphasis are religiously affiliated in West Virginia?
100% of private elementary schools with special program emphasis in West Virginia are religiously affiliated (most commonly Catholic and Christian).

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