Your requirements
Start with your requirements. Your requirements trump everything. So have a family discussion. Be relaxed and open-minded because your requirements as a parent will be different from your daughter's. You are thinking about the best educational experience. She's thinking about her life and her friends and the reality that she will have a whole new situation to deal with. That's scary for a young person. But you can make it an adventure and get her to buy into going to private school if you are patient, informative, and, above all, a listener. Dictating your child will probably get you nowhere in a hurry.
So, what's really important? Ponder these questions and then develop some answers after having that family discussion.
- Are you looking for a traditional college prep school experience or something else?
- Is your religion a major determining factor?
- What about sports? Arts programs? Extracurricular activities?
What about a school such as Midland School in Los Olivos, California? Videos