Physical Security Measures

This subcategory explores the tangible security measures implemented in schools, including infrastructure improvements, surveillance systems, and access control.

View the most popular articles in Physical Security Measures:

The Evolution of Early Reading Strategies for Children

The Evolution of Early Reading Strategies for Children
Explore the journey of early reading strategies from the 17th century to the present day, uncovering the evolution of tools, methods, and technologies that have shaped how children learn to read. This article delves into the historical milestones and contemporary approaches that offer a fascinating look at literacy development in children.

Early reading has always been a cornerstone of child development, forming the foundation of lifelong learning and comprehension. How we teach children to read has seen significant shifts over the centuries, reflecting changes in education theory, societal values, and technology. This article will explore these changes, offering insights into the past, present, and future of early reading strategies for children. To understand how we teach reading in the 21st century, let's look at how they taught reading in Roman times and the Middle Ages.

Section I: Historical Timeline of Early Reading Approaches

During Roman times

In ancient Rome, the education system was quite different from what we know today, but reading was an essential skill, especially for those belonging to higher social classes. Learning to read, writing, and arithmetic was a fundamental part of a Roman child's upbringing. Here's how children were generally taught to read during Roman times.

Roman education often began at home, especially for the elite, with either the father or a private tutor providing instruction. However, there were also rudimentary forms of schools known as "ludus litterarius," which children from a broader range of social backgrounds could attend. It was the starting point of formal education for many Roman children, focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic. While it was rudimentary compared to modern standards, it laid the foundational skills for higher levels of Roman education.

The Romans taught reading and writing concurrently. Students learned the alphabet first. It was usually

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Securing Your School

Securing Your School
With the rise of school shootings and other violent incidents, it is essential to have a comprehensive plan in place to protect everyone on your school campus.

Ensuring the safety and security of students and faculty members in schools is a top priority for educators, parents, and community members alike. With the rise of school shootings and other violent incidents, it is essential to have a comprehensive plan in place to protect everyone on your school campus. In this article, we will comprehensively analyze the key factors that impact school security, including planning by a professional security firm, cost, how to implement recommendations, buy-in from stakeholders, and the importance of considering the impact on students and staff when making decisions.

Hire a professional security firm.

Planning by a professional security firm is a critical component of school security. These firms have the expertise and experience to identify potential risks and develop effective mitigation strategies. In addition, they can thoroughly assess the school's physical environment, including the building layout, access points, and existing security measures. Your board andThis information can then develop a customized security plan that addresses the unique needs of the school. However, the cost of hiring a professional security firm can be a significant barrier for many schools. The expenses associated with a comprehensive security plan can be substantial, and the school must weigh the benefits of increased security against the financial constraints of the budget. This tradeoff can be challenging, but ensuring that the school is adequately protected is vital while being mindful of the available financial resources.

Effective implementation is vital.

Implementing the recommendations made by a security firm

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School Security: It Could Never Happen Here Or Could It?

School Security: It Could Never Happen Here Or Could It?
School shootings and other emergency situations won't happen in your school, right? Who knows! Better to put in place the steps necessary to protect the school community than to be caught unprepared.

We see the never-ending reporting about school shootings. They occur in places we may have visited. We may even have friends and relatives whose lives have been impacted by this violence that seems endemic in our society. But that could never happen in our children's school, or could it?

Safety is at the top of the list of concerns for parents and students. Harassment, bullying, and COVID are all still concerns, but shootings have unnerved people in every age group and walk of life. It seems as though no public place is safe anymore.

Preparing for emergencies is an ongoing process—even if a school (public or nonpublic) is at a high state of readiness for an emergency, there will still be a need for continued security, safety, and emergency management. Source: REMSTA (Readiness & Emergency Management for Schools)


Preventing incidents from happening requires action from you and your children's school. You are partners in keeping young people safe.

The Parent's Obligation

  • Understand the measures your school has put in place to prevent incidents from occurring.
  • Discuss these measures regularly with your children.
  • Teach your children to be situationally aware.
  • Keep your lines of communication open and relaxed, so your children will tell you about anything and everything.
  • Keep your phone charged with the school's emergency alert application configured to notify you anytime.
  • Monitor your local weather conditions as emergencies can include severe storms, tornadoes, and flash floods.
  • Teach your children how to call 911 for help.
  • Teach your children how
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Disaster Preparedness: How Prepared Is Your School?

Disaster Preparedness: How Prepared Is Your School?
This comprehensive guide examines disaster preparedness in private schools, focusing on active shooter scenarios and natural disasters. It outlines essential steps for protection, including McGowan's 5-point checklist, and emphasizes the importance of developing evacuation plans, training staff, and teaching children how to respond in emergencies.

A tragedy like Newtown or Parkland could never happen in a private school, right? I certainly hope that it never does, but there are no guarantees. There are so many variables to consider in all of the mass shootings that have occurred since the Columbine attack in 1999 that it would be foolish to say that such events could not happen in a private school. Statistically, the odds of such an event are low. However, when it comes to the safety of our children, it is simply unacceptable to gamble. We, as parents and school administrators, must take steps to prevent disaster from occurring on our watch.

Equally unforeseen are natural disasters such as tornadoes, flooding, and earthquakes. Granted, certain regions of the country are more prone to these events than others. But you only have to read the news reports to realize that things can and do happen when and where you least expect them to.

So, against this gloomy backdrop, let's look at what private schools can do to protect their communities.


As I researched this article, I was impressed by the number of organizations that my search string "emergency response policy and procedure for schools" produced. You will find plenty of relevant and useful reading when you use a search string with a narrow focus.

As Benjamin Franklin wisely noted, "A pound of prevention is worth a pound of cure." While Franklin was referring

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Safe Schools: Ensuring a Secure Learning Environment

Safe Schools: Ensuring a Secure Learning Environment
In today's world, ensuring the safety of our children at school is more important than ever. This comprehensive guide explores the essential safety measures that schools implement to protect students from various threats, including violence, bullying, and emergencies. Learn how private schools leverage advanced technologies and community involvement to create secure environments. Plus, get practical tips for parents to assess school safety effectively. Discover how a safe school environment fosters academic success and emotional well-being for your child.

Safe schools are everybody's concern these days. Remember how years ago, we only worried about keeping the dormitory doors locked at night and ensuring the trip to New York City was properly chaperoned? It was so simple. But everything has changed. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, over 900,000 reported incidents of violence in U.S. public schools in a single school year. This statistic underscores the importance of understanding and ensuring school safety.

The Importance of School Safety

Now, parents, teachers, and students have to deal with cyber-security, stalking, substance abuse, bullying, suicide, and a host of other really tough issues. School safety is more than just preventing violence. School safety encompasses measures designed to protect students from threats, including bullying, natural disasters, and health emergencies. Parents and school community members expect us to provide a safe environment. That, after all, is essential for fostering the academic success of students and the emotional well-being of every member of the school community. When students feel secure, they are more likely to thrive academically and socially. How does a school community implement a robust, effective safety program? Let's take a look.

Improve your communications

In a very small school -100 students or less- you might be able to get away with the old-fashioned telephone tree where one person calls five others and so on. The problem with this method of alerting the community is that there are always a few people who don't get called. Install

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