Technology in the Classroom
From PCs to Virtual Reality: A comprehensive exploration of modern classroom technology, focusing on Learning Management Systems and innovative digital tools that are transforming education. This guide examines how technology enhances learning experiences, featuring detailed insights into popular platforms and essential classroom tech tools.

Technology in the Classroom

I've wanted to write an article about technology and its uses in our classrooms forever.

  • We've come a long way since PCs and VisiCalc emerged in the 1980s.
  • Over the past 45 years, devices kept getting smaller, more powerful, and, best of all, so much easier to use.
  • That, coupled with the explosion of information online, means that any student, any classroom, can have the resources of a Library of Congress to the Nth degree at her fingertips.

Given the scope of this subject, I will divide it into two articles.

  • The first deals with technology in the classroom, what's used, how it's used, its pros and cons, and so forth.
  • The second will examine the future of educational technology, its sustainability, and its use in school offices.

Technology in the Classroom

There's no doubt that technology enhances learning experiences for students. Learning Management Systems (LMS) organize and deliver those improved experiences.

A Learning Management System is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process. Think of it as an electronic lesson plan book on steroids. Typically, an LMS provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content, monitor student participation, and assess student performance. Source: IBM

This video explains Learning Management Systems.

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Successful Uses of AI in the Classroom

Successful Uses of AI in the Classroom
Gain insights into striking the right balance between leveraging AI tools and preserving the irreplaceable role of human teachers.
iStockPhotos/Naphat Jorjee

AI is fast transforming the way businesses operate. So, I was curious how AI might affect our K012 classrooms. The inevitable sensational headlines, such as "Will AI replace teachers?" generate tons of speculation by the talking heads on TV and blogwriters looking for the next way to scare their readers. However, having been a teacher at both the K-12 and college levels, I can tell you that AI will not replace our teachers any time soon. With that in mind, let's look at some of the ways AI can enhance teaching and the things AI cannot do.

Successful Uses of AI in the Classroom

AI is another tool that can be used successfully by both teachers and students. I look at AI the same way I have viewed slide projectors, televisions, smartboards, computers, and all the other bits and pieces of technology that have appeared in our classrooms over the years, i.e., they help present the material I am teaching. People learn in so many different ways. Depending on the material you are presenting one of these technologies might spark that "Eureka!" moment we teachers all seek. While our student may not run into the streets as Archimedes did, she will have that look that says, "I got it!" Ultimately, it is always up to us teachers to remember that one size does not fit all. Each student learns in her way. Varied ways of presenting what you are teaching will help make the material understood.

Personalized Learning

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How to Study for an Exam

How to Study for an Exam
Practical advice for parents guiding children through exam preparation, featuring proven study methods and age-appropriate learning techniques.

How to Study for an Exam

Exams can be nerve-wracking at any age. So, show your child where exams fit in and, more importantly, how to prepare for them. From early grades, teachers evaluate your child's learning through different methods.

Canva generated this picture of a student studying for an exam.

The Purpose of Exams

Exams are a formal, structured method of assessment.

  • Unfortunately, what makes exams stressful in high school, college, and in our professional lives is that so much is riding on them.
  • For example, you must pass the LSAT to get into law school.
  • Then, you must pass a state bar exam to practice law.
  • The pressure to succeed is enormous.

That's why I recommend you tell your child how you handled preparing for and taking the exam. The more your child understands how exams work and how to handle them, the more successful she is likely to be.

Exams and tests are a great way to assess what the students have learned with regards to particular subjects. Exams will show what part of the lesson each student seems to have taken the most interest in and has remembered. Source: Edu-Quip

Understand Your Learning Style

As soon as you can, identify your child's learning style.

  • Observe her preferences and tendencies in how she processes and retains information.
  • Contrast that with how you learn
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Rolling Admissions

Rolling Admissions
Discover why many institutions opt for rolling admissions and how it can offer flexibility and opportunities for applicants throughout the year.
iStock Photo/Yuliya Pushchenko

Rolling Admissions

When applying to private schools, you will encounter two kinds of admissions: regular admissions or admissions with a fixed deadline and rolling admissions.

  • Regular admissions or admissions with fixed deadlines are self-explanatory.
  • The school will publish a specific date by which applications must be submitted.
  • Rolling admissions are a little different and more flexible.

Canva generated this picture of a parent pondering admissions deadlines.

What is rolling admissions?

Rolling admissions refers to a school's practice of accepting applications until all their available seats are filled. The school will send an answer to your application within a couple of weeks, as opposed to waiting until a fixed deadline.

How does rolling admissions work?

Let's assume that the school begins accepting applications for the following school year on September 1.

  • You could submit your completed application on September 2 and expect to have a decision back from the school within a time frame from two weeks to a month.
  • At a school with a fixed deadline for admissions, you could submit your application on September 2 but not hear whether your child had been accepted until sometime in March, assuming the fairly common January 31 deadline.
  • Many schools with rolling admissions have a priority deadline.
  • You should submit your application before that deadline.
  • Once all the places are filled, applications from candidates who would otherwise have been accepted will go on a waitlist.

Professor Allen Grove

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Leadership, Legacy, and Learning: Pillars of Top Schools

Leadership, Legacy, and Learning: Pillars of Top Schools
We explore the key elements contributing to the success of leading private schools, highlighting the importance of strong leadership, a rich legacy, and a focus on comprehensive learning experiences.
Olivier Le Moal/iStock Photos

Now and then, the question that occurs to me, as it should to you, is precisely why I think a particular school is one of the best. I have to conclude that the best schools have all of the following characteristics. What's more, they have them in abundance. Now, before you start thinking that I am only talking about older established schools, that ain't necessarily so. I am aware of a couple of newer schools that fit neatly into the category of best schools simply because they have all of the characteristics explained below. So let's look at what I think are the traits of the best schools.

Great leadership

The best schools have strong, dynamic, dedicated leaders. They are led by women and men who envision their goals and have the experience to execute their plans to achieve that vision. The head of the best school is a superb fundraiser, capable administrator, leader by example, and expects the best from everybody in her school community.

This video from Cristo Rey of Hope illustrates the clear vision of Cristo Rey schools.


I know of several schools which could have been great. But they never made it because their fractious board of trustees kept getting in the way of progress. Change is never easy. But it seems that boards often have a rather difficult time with change. That always surprises me because most

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