Teaching Career Development

This subcategory covers topics related to professional growth, skill enhancement, and career progression for teachers in private schools.

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5 Most Important Soft Skills to Have on Your Resume

5 Most Important Soft Skills to Have on Your Resume
Want to be a private school teacher? Highlight your soft skills as well as technical skills in your resume.

When you apply for a teaching position, the technical and soft skills you offer are high on the list of prerequisites. We'll cover technical skills in another article. But first, look at soft skills and learn why they are the backdrop against which you will be assessed both as a teacher and an individual. Listing your soft skills on your resume identifies you as a candidate who will be a good fit in the classroom and the larger school community.

The importance of soft skills

Soft skills are crucial in an interview because they are the traits that can set you apart from others with similar technical abilities. After all, you will not be the only applicant for the position you have applied for. Your soft skills can and should drive you to the top of the list. Why? Because schools want to know that a potential teacher has the following soft skills:

  1. work well with others
  2. communicate effectively
  3. adapt to new situations

Soft skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership can make you stand out in an interview. These skills can also demonstrate your ability to handle stress, work under pressure, and think critically. In many cases, your soft skills can be just as essential as your technical skills regarding hiring decisions. That's why it's always a good idea to focus on developing your soft skills alongside your technical abilities.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are those personal attributes, habits, and social behaviors

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What A Teacher Does

What A Teacher Does
A teacher wears many hats. Here's a look at her duties and responsibilities.

In all the years I have written about private schools, I have never written anything about what a teacher does. This year after the pandemic, I feel that it is even more critical than ever to encourage and attract people to the profession. Let me preface my remarks by noting that teaching in a private school is somewhat different from teaching in a public school. The only exception to that statement that I can think of would be teaching in rural schools or other places where the school district is very small. Private schools are free-standing entities. There's no such thing as a district of private schools. As a result, a small PK-6 private school could have twelve teachers or less and a correspondingly tiny administrative staff. So, if small-sized schools appeal to you and prefer being in a situation where your voice can be heard, I recommend that you explore teaching in a small school. Of course, there are large PK-13 private schools with 1,000 or more students. Explore working in one of those if that's your thing.

Something which may appeal to those of you thinking about becoming a teacher later in life is that most private schools will accept your credentials without a teaching certificate. They will generally insist that you earn your teaching certification within a fixed period of a year or so. Most private schools focus on the quality of your tertiary education. So, if you did a bachelor of science

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Is Your Skill-set Still on Release 1.0?

Is Your Skill-set Still on Release 1.0?
It is easy to fall into the trap of not keeping your skill-set current. There's no time and no need anyway. We look at why you need to keep things current and offer some suggestions as to how to proceed.

Is your skill-set still on Release 1.0? This is a tough question for many of us teachers to deal with. Why? Because many of us are convinced that we don't need to update our skill-set now that we have found our dream teaching position in a wonderful school. We are set, right? Not exactly. As we all know things can change in a flash. Against this backdrop, you and I will explore your skill-set and offer some suggestions as to how to do some necessary upgrades.

Why do you need to upgrade your skill-set?

As I pointed out in the opening paragraph, your circumstances can change in a flash. The most common reason for suddenly needing a new teaching position is a major change in your family circumstances. A member of your family who lives in another state has an accident or becomes seriously ill requiring your presence in the area. While you could take Family Medical Leave, it has become obvious to you that the best solution is for you to move closer to your family member so that you can supervise his care and generally be there for him. That means you will need to look for a new teaching job.

In the following TEDx Talk, Jean-Michel Gauthier explains why your job applications are getting ignored.

The important thing to understand is that life can deal some unexpected cards. You thought

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The End of Teacher Tenure As We Know It?

The End of Teacher Tenure As We Know It?
Teacher tenure in our public schools is under attack. Will tenure as we know it survive? Some thoughts here.

A couple of years ago when tenure for professors began to look like a thing of the past, I remember thinking that tenure for K-12 teachers would probably be next on the chopping block. And so the rumblings which I thought I heard off in the distance were indeed the precursor of a serious storm. With that in mind let's explore the issue and try to understand what is happening with the concept of teacher tenure in the United States.

The California decision

The judge in the case certainly came down hard against teacher tenure. I am not a lawyer but it seemed to me that the root of his judicial displeasure was the way the California statutes had been written. To understand where those laws originated, you have to go back in time to the early part of the twentieth century and indeed even earlier. Back then teachers could be fired when ever a school board or administrator decided. Essentially teachers had no due process. Teacher protection in the form of tenure was a German idea which began to take hold across the United States back in the 1920s and 1930s. Tenure also curbed another abuse of the teaching profession which was interference from politicians. Teaching positions were considered patronage plums that politicians handed out.

In my opinion tenure for public K-12 teachers was a necessary protection a hundred years ago. But as with

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Are You Liable?

Are You Liable?
Is your DEL key about to get gaveled? It doesn't matter whether you teach in a public or private school setting. You expose yourself to legal risks every single day on the job.

These are tough times for teachers. It doesn't matter whether you teach in a public or private school setting. You expose yourself to legal risks every single day on the job. Some people think that teachers have a soft job. Public school teachers only have to work ten months of the year. Most private school teachers have it even better as they usually work a nine-month year. Of course, that's a distorted view of the profession. Many teachers teach summer sessions or run summer camps. They might have a month of vacation if they are lucky. Lurking on the sidelines is the question of liability. Yes, teachers can be held liable for all sorts of things which make no sense. The problem is that American society is very litigious. Folks will sue in a nanosecond. Lawsuits, as you well know, are time-consuming, expensive, and, in the worst cases can be career-limiting events.

So, let's look at liability from our point of view as teachers. Disclaimer: I am not an attorney, so read my layperson's comments and observations, then run questions by and seek advice from your attorney. The mnemonic DIRE lays out some of the issues we need to watch for. Protecting yourself is very important. Nobody else will look out for your interests as well as you will.

Everyday risks

Your chances of getting sued are probably on a par with having an accident while driving. When you drive carefully, observe the rules of the road, stay

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